“No matter the shifts in the marketplace, some 21st century musicians continue to toil with a dedication to their craft,” writes Larry Katz in Deep CD diving: Finding pearls in a vast sea of music, his round-up of the best overlooked CDs of 2007, in today’s Boston Herald. “That means making CDs filled with good tunes and good lyrics sung by a good singer backed by a good band.”
We all know The Sharp Things fit the bill, and Katz agrees, writing of A Moveable Feast:
Arty, ambitious, over-the-top orchestral pop (strings, brass, glockenspiel) from New York. With Perry Serpa crooning like a Hall & Oates-meets-David Bowie mash-up, the Sharp Things pierce like a 21st century American answer to ABC, the theatrical early ’80s new wave Brit hitmakers.
Shoot that poison arrow through our hearts, Larry!
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